We offer consulting that supports and facilitates your path towards certification and have several years of experience helping companies with, among others, B Corp, GOTS, and GRS.
Our due diligence consulting process provides your company with an overview of the company's impact throughout the value chain and a method for managing the risks associated with your existing processes and practices.
It's time to rethink the textile industry.
We help textile and lifestyle companies implement responsible purchasing practices
and establish strong partnerships between suppliers and ambitious companies.
Vi arbejder for at skabe et varigt aftryk på de virksomheder, vi arbejder sammen med og på samfundet som helhed.
Fra rådgivning inden for ESG, CSR, due diligence for bæredygtighed (CSDDD) og certificeringer såsom B Corp, Cradle to Cradle, GOTS, GRS, RWS er vi samarbejdspartner for virksomheder, der stræber efter at gøre en positiv forskel.
Certificeret B Corp siden 2022
in-action cocktails
Imprint Consulting provided us with the knowledge and skills that made our B Corp certification easier. Additionally, they were extremely flexible and easily accessible throughout the process.
Imprint was a great support throughout the process and contributed with knowledge, experience, templates, and most importantly, overview and guidance. We were led safely and professionally through the entire process.
Andelskassen Fælleskassen
We've had a fantastic collaboration with Silke, Ditte, and Camilla, who have supported and advised us through the B Corp certification process with good humor and seriousness.